
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016


1.                   Temukan Auditor dan Perusahaan yang melakukan pelanggaran etika profesi              dan berikan tanggapan terhadap pelanggaran tersebut!       JAWABAN: KASUS PELANGGARAN KODE ETIKA PROFESI AKUNTANSI AKUNTAN PUBLIK JUSTINUS ADITYA SIDHARTA DIBEKUKAN TERKAIT KASUS PELANGGARAN ETIKA  PADA PT. GREAT RIVER INTERNATIONAL, Tbk. PT Great River International merupakan perusahaan pakaian jadi berkualitas tinggi dan terkemuka di Indonesia. PT Great River International Didirikan oleh Sukanta Tanudjaja dan Sunjoto Tanudjaja pada tahun 1976 dengan nama PT. Great River Garments Industries. Kemudian pada tahun 1996 Berganti nama menjadi PT Great River International. Pada awalnya, PT Great River International mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat hal ini ditandai dengan diperolehnya beberapa kali penghargaan da...

Passive Voice sentences

BAHASA INGGRIS 2 # Find at least 8 Passive Voice sentences of  articles or stories and specify tenses of each of the passive voice ------------------------------------------------------------------ HUMAN-CAUSED GLOBAL WARMING The debate on global warming has, to its detriment, long since ceased to be a scientific one. Instead, moral fervor for this cause has become a leading religion of our time. Maintaining the fiction that human-caused global warming is so dangerous that it requires the restructuring of the world economy has come to involve the dedicated efforts of a legion of disciples. Here’s a brief description of some of the main ways that they pursue their agenda. McCarthyism and legal intimidation The Attorney General of California, Bill Lockyer, supported by the environmental activist groups Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council, issued suit in September, 2006, against the six largest U.S. and Japanese automakers for damages to the environment ca...

President Calls on Ministers to Control Budget

BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 2# (SOFTSKILL) Nama   : Frischa Lamria NPM   : 23213587 Kelas   : 3EB11                                      President Calls on Ministers to Control Budget TEMPO.CO ,  Jakarta  - President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has called ministers and heads of agencies to take control of their budget. "Every minister and head of agency must control their budget. They should not delegate [the task] to their subordinates. Control the budget,” President said when opening a plenary cabinet meeting at the State Secretary Building on Thursday, April 7, 2016. President Jokowi said that the budget must be focused on current programs, instead of being planned based on old methods. “There’s no need to craft numerous programs. Just concentrate on ...